

Monday, January 5, 2009

Catholic Church in Castro District Vandalized

Proposition 8 protestors in San Francisco vandalized the Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church on Diamond Street located in the Castro District on Saturday night.  Fickle in nature and eager for vindication, fanatical gay rights activists have mistakenly targeted this gay-friendly church, spray painting the Pope’s name alongside that of the San Francisco archbishop with black swastika embellishments.

Catholic Church in Castro District Vandalized
And while the more vehement attack on freedom of speech took place,

“proponents of gay marriage held an “Equality Camp” over the weekend in San Francisco to train activists to ‘leverage social media/socialnetwork/Internet-based activities’ around fighting for gay marriage….”

Also on the books for gay “rights” supporters is a nationwide demonstration this Saturday against the National Defense of Marriage Act which protects the definition of marriage between one man and one woman on the federal level.

[Read more…]

To become an activist for children, marriage and family, society and government by the people, freedom of religion and speech, join the Digital Network Army (DNA) today.  If we do not unite and speak out, we will be unprepared for the onslaught that is sure to come.  Already the Digital Network Army blogging division has grown large and strong and unified; and the dedicated commentators and rising activists even larger.  As our Team Captain is fond of repeating (and rightly so as it bares repeating), “Go Write, Blog, Comment, Get the information out!”  Resolve to become an activist today.


  1. Now that's an organized effort for you. Vandalizing a feral parish who, according to the news report, actually support your cause.

    There is a similar parish in my country who hold similar views contrary to the catholic faith. They are in the process of being excommunicated.

  2. It is kind of hilarious, except that it's so vile.

  3. I wanted to laugh too but it's vandalism, nothing to laugh about.

  4. I agree this is not only a hateful act, but a pointless one. I enjoyed the comment on the blog Answers For The Faith where they said, "file this one under 'shoot yourself in the foot'"


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