Campbell Soup Company promotes Gay Agenda
In the December 2008 and January 2009 issues of The Advocate, the Campbell Soup Company bought two 2-page ads in order to promote their Swanson line of cooking broth. The Advocate is one of the largest homosexual magazines in the country. One of the full-page ads features a lesbian couple and their son. Two other men are featured, but the lesbian couple has an entire story on one column of the page. Their story ends with these words: While Campbell Soup Company is successfully advertising to their intended audience, as a consumer, I am concerned. The women featured in the ad are lovely women. They are doing good things. They are successful. However, the best place for children is in a family with a mom and a dad. Two moms do not equal a mom and a dad. Swenson broth does not equal a mom and a dad.This holiday season, serve a special meal no matter the size and structure of your family. The secret is Swanson.
from the The Campbell Soup Company 2008 Coorporate Social Responsibility Report:
Our mission:The best, most "nourishing" families across the board are the in-tact, traditional married unit. It seems to me that an "extraordinary" company would try to advertise the healthiest situation for the community it serves.
Together we will build the world's most extraordinary food company by nourishing people's lives everywhere, every day.
Consumers around the world are recognizing the importance of sound nutrition to their health and well-being, and those of their families and communities.
from Campbell's Global Guidelines for Responsible Advertising:
We use very special care and consideration when advertising to children.
Campbell Soup Advertising Messages:
If Campbell Soup is concerned for the welfare of children, then they should not be contributing to the normalization of same-gender couples with kids. The company has a social responsbility that extends beyond pleasing one group of potential customers. The ad profits from (and blatantly promotes) the gay agenda at the cost of the social/emotional/psychological health of society and its children.Show children in safe physical and social environments
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Email the president of the Campbell Soup Company here
Call the company to express your concern: 1-800-257-8443 & 1-800-442-7684 (Swenson Division)