

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ultrasound of Unborn Child Must be Made Available to Women Seeking Abortion: Nebraska Legislature

By Alex Bush,

In an overwhelming vote of 40-5 the Nebraska Legislature has passed a bill, introduced by Senator Tony Fulton, that requires abortionists to make an ultrasound of the unborn child available to a woman seeking an abortion if she requests it.

The bill also mandates that if the woman asks for a detailed medical analysis of the ultrasound, she must be given information detailing the size of the child, any cardiac activity, and information regarding “external members and internal organs, if present and viewable.”

Read the full story here.


  1. Education and knowledge about the unborn child is certainly the way to go.

  2. That's fantastic! Now let's hope and pray that these girls and women will ask for it!

  3. I just hope that abortion clinics will actually tell women that they have the option to see an ultrasound. Many may not know about it.


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