

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Maine Governor John Baldacci Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Maine becomes the fifth state to approve gay "marriages."

Read the governor's full statement on his decision here.

With most of New England caving to pressure by gay activists, will the governors of Rhode Island and New Hampshire be able to stand firm?

Contact them and let them know you want them to veto the bills legalizing same-sex marriage.

Governor John Lynch, New Hampshire
603-271-6780 (fax)

Email him here.

State House
25 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301

Governor Donald Carcieri, Rhode Island
401-222-8096 (fax)

Email him here.

Office of the Governor
State House, Room 115
Providence, RI 02903


  1. New Hampshire is now a done deal. Lynch has stated his intention to sign after the addition of some religious protection provisions.

  2. The done deal has fallen short, stalled, and has been setback and imperiled.

    At least, according to the Washington Post, the Union Leader, New York Times, and the Condord Monitor.

    * * *

    The governor's press secretary, Colin Manning, said Lynch spelled out the protections he would need in order to sign the bill.

    "While he will continue to talk to lawmakers, these principles must be maintained in any final version of this bill," Manning said. "If the Legislature fails to do so, he will veto it."
    * * *

    The defense of marriage may have shifted the momentum their way. We'll see how it goes.


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