

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Educate yourself about the Homosexual Agenda

Journalista Chronicle has a great post about the consequences of advancing the homosexual agenda and believing that it won't affect you. There would be negative consequences for your job, your children, your right to parent as you see fit, and for any organization that did not treat homosexuals as a special minority group.

Opine Editorials writes about the significance of the latest move by the homosexual activists:

"Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, the Boston-based legal group that successfully sued to bring same-sex marriage to Connecticut, is filing a lawsuit in federal district to challenge the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

OneNewsNow reports that young conservatives are being misled by the homosexual activists and "are being taught to think of homosexuality as a civil rights." The activists have also been successful in their push to make people think that that civil unions are okay when, in reality, they are just a step to homosexual marriage.


  1. Homosexual marriage is not a civil right. It is clearly a lifestyle choice as many homosexuals have changed their orientation several times throughout their lives. A lesbian that I know was married to a guy and had children and then one day she woke up and decided that she was homosexual. You don't hear much about it but I've also heard about a few people that were homosexual and then turned straight and got married and had children. You can't decide the color of your skin, yet you can change your moral views. Homosexual marriage is not a right and homosexuals should not be given special rights and protections.

  2. "You can't decide the color of your skin, yet you can change your moral views"

    That's an odd analogy--especially from someone who thinks you can just wake up and decide to be gay (for the record she was probably always bi or gay and in denial. Think of it the same as someone "waking up one day" and cheating or just leaving their husband to be single but still straight).

    Moral views can certainly change overtime. For instance, I used to believe homosexuality was immoral just because I was told it was. Then I realized it harms no one and they should be left in peace.

  3. The civil rights movement was about a racial minority that was politically disenfranchised.

    The homosexual agenda is about social acceptance of a lifestyle.

    Equating the two is at best, a logical fallacy and at worst, an insult to African Americans.

    Race is not a choice. Homosexuality, and more specifically, the choice to act on homosexual feelings, is a choice. It is not so important when the struggle with same-sex feelings started as it is whether someone chooses to follow those feelings or not.

  4. Bravo, Kingfisher. Good points!

  5. It is unfortunate that some people suffer from a same sex attraction. It becomes a serious problem when people act on those desires and take part in homosexual acts.

    Moral views can certainly change overtime. For instance, I used to believe homosexuality was immoral just because I was told it was.

    Moral absolutes remain the same, it is up to each individual to discover the moral law. We know that homosexual acts are disordered because they do not serve the purpose of sex.


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